Text Message Marketing has a 98% Open Rate!


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Why You Should Be Using SMS Marketing

Advantage #1: SMS Marketing Has the Best Engagement Rate

To put it simply, text message marketing has the best engagement rate of any marketing medium. While emails can go unread for days, 90% of text messages are opened and read within the first three minutes of receiving them.

Advantage #2: Trackable Platform

With our platform, you can utilize mobile coupons and track how many customers come in to redeem their offers.

Advantage #3: Interactive Content

SMS marketing allows you to receive quick feedback from your recipients by including a “reply” button or a link to a landing page. You can deliver short messages to your audience that direct them back to your site so they can quickly interact with your brand.

Advantage #4: Immediate Message Delivery

Another great advantage to SMS marketing is that it doesn’t take long to gain important insights. Once you hit send, your message is delivered almost instantly. You can set up a text message marketing campaign and have hundreds of clicks or user feedback within minutes.

Advantage #5: Lead Generator

Need more leads? Easily set-up a campaign that has interested customers and clients submit their information to automatically receive the info or offer they wanted on their mobile phones. Then, you’ll automatically be emailed their info, so you can follow up with them at your convenience.